Source code for iDEA.EXT2

"""Calculates the exact ground-state electron density and energy for a system  of two interacting
electrons through solving the many-electron Schroedinger equation. If the system is perturbed, the 
time-dependent electron density and current density are calculated. 

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import time
import copy
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npla
import scipy as sp
import scipy.sparse as sps
import scipy.special as spspec
import scipy.linalg as spla
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spsla

from . import EXT_cython
from . import NON 
from . import results as rs

[docs]def construct_antisymmetry_matrices(pm): r"""Constructs the reduction and expansion matrices that are used to exploit the exchange antisymmetry of the wavefunction. .. math:: \Psi(x_{1},x_{2}) = -\Psi(x_{2},x_{1}) parameters ---------- pm : object Parameters object returns sparse_matrix and sparse_matrix Reduction matrix used to reduce the wavefunction (remove indistinct elements). Expansion matrix used to expand the reduced wavefunction (insert indistinct elements) to get back the full wavefunction. """ # Number of elements in the reduced wavefunction coo_size = int(round(, # COOrdinate holding arrays for the reduction matrix coo_1 = np.zeros(coo_size, dtype=int) coo_2 = np.copy(coo_1) coo_data_1 = np.ones(coo_size, dtype=np.float) # COOrdinate holding arrays for the expansion matrix coo_3 = np.zeros(**2, dtype=int) coo_4 = np.copy(coo_3) coo_data_2 = np.zeros(**2, dtype=np.float) # Populate the COOrdinate holding arrays with the coordinates and data coo_1, coo_2 = EXT_cython.reduction_two(pm, coo_1, coo_2) coo_3, coo_4, coo_data_2 = EXT_cython.expansion_two(pm, coo_3, coo_4, coo_data_2) # Convert the holding arrays into COOrdinate sparse matrices reduction_matrix = sps.coo_matrix((coo_data_1,(coo_1,coo_2)), shape=(coo_size,**2), dtype=np.float) expansion_matrix = sps.coo_matrix((coo_data_2,(coo_3,coo_4)), shape=(**2,coo_size), dtype=np.float) # Convert into compressed sparse row (csr) form for efficient arithemtic reduction_matrix = sps.csr_matrix(reduction_matrix) expansion_matrix = sps.csr_matrix(expansion_matrix) return reduction_matrix, expansion_matrix
[docs]def construct_A_reduced(pm, reduction_matrix, expansion_matrix, td): r"""Constructs the reduced form of the sparse matrix A. .. math:: \text{Imaginary time}: \ &A = I + \frac{\delta \tau}{2}H \\ \text{Real time}: \ &A = I + i\frac{\delta t}{2}H \\ \\ &A_{\mathrm{red}} = RAE where :math:`R =` reduction matrix and :math:`E =` expansion matrix parameters ---------- pm : object Parameters object reduction_matrix : sparse_matrix Sparse matrix used to reduce the wavefunction (remove indistinct elements) by exploiting the exchange antisymmetry expansion_matrix : sparse_matrix Sparse matrix used to expand the reduced wavefunction (insert indistinct elements) to get back the full wavefunction td : integer 0 for imaginary time, 1 for real time returns sparse_matrix Reduced form of the sparse matrix A, used when solving the equation Ax=b """ # Estimate the number of non-zero elements in the Hamiltonian matrix coo_size = int(round((2*pm.sys.stencil-1)*(**2))) # COOrdinate holding arrays for the Hamiltonian matrix coo_1 = np.zeros(coo_size, dtype=int) coo_2 = np.copy(coo_1) coo_data = np.zeros(coo_size, dtype=np.float) # Pass the holding arrays and band elements to the Hamiltonian constructor, and populate the # holding arrays with the coordinates and data coo_1, coo_2, coo_data = EXT_cython.hamiltonian_two(pm, coo_1, coo_2, coo_data, td) # Convert the holding arrays into a COOrdinate sparse matrix if(td == 0): prefactor = pm.ext.ideltat/2.0 A = prefactor*sps.coo_matrix((coo_data,(coo_1,coo_2)), shape=(**2,**2), dtype=np.float) A += sps.identity(**2, dtype=np.float) elif(td == 1): coo_data = coo_data.astype(np.cfloat) prefactor = 1.0j*pm.sys.deltat/2.0 A = prefactor*sps.coo_matrix((coo_data,(coo_1,coo_2)), shape=(**2,**2), dtype=np.cfloat) A += sps.identity(**2, dtype=np.cfloat) if( == 1): imag_pot = EXT_cython.imag_pot_two(pm) A += prefactor*sps.spdiags(imag_pot, 0,**2,**2) # Convert into compressed sparse column (csc) form for efficient arithemtic A = sps.csc_matrix(A) # Construct the reduced form of A A_reduced = reduction_matrix*A*expansion_matrix return A_reduced
[docs]def initial_wavefunction(pm): r"""Generates the initial condition for the Crank-Nicholson imaginary time propagation. .. math:: \Psi(x_{1},x_{2}) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\big(\phi_{1}(x_{1})\phi_{2}(x_{2}) - \phi_{2}(x_{1})\phi_{1}(x_{2})\big) parameters ---------- pm : object Parameters object returns array_like 1D array of the reduced wavefunction, indexed as wavefunction_reduced[space_index_1_2] """ # Single-electron eigenstates eigenstate_1 = np.zeros(, dtype=np.float) eigenstate_2 = np.copy(eigenstate_1) # Read the two lowest Hartree-Fock eigenstates of the system if(pm.ext.initial_gspsi == 'hf'): try: eigenstates ='gs_hf_eigf', pm) eigenstate_1 = eigenstates[0].real eigenstate_2 = eigenstates[1].real # File does not exist except: raise IOError("EXT: cannot find file containing HF orbitals.") # Read the two lowest one-electron LDA eigenstates of the system elif(pm.ext.initial_gspsi == 'lda1'): try: eigenstates ='gs_lda1_eigf', pm) eigenstate_1 = eigenstates[0].real eigenstate_2 = eigenstates[1].real # File does not exist except: raise IOError("EXT: cannot find file containing one-electron LDA orbitals.") # Read the two lowest two-electron LDA eigenstates of the system elif(pm.ext.initial_gspsi == 'lda2'): try: eigenstates ='gs_lda2_eigf', pm) eigenstate_1 = eigenstates[0].real eigenstate_2 = eigenstates[1].real # File does not exist except: raise IOError("EXT: cannot find file containing two-electron LDA orbitals.") # Read the two lowest three-electron LDA eigenstates of the system elif(pm.ext.initial_gspsi == 'lda3'): try: eigenstates ='gs_lda3_eigf', pm) eigenstate_1 = eigenstates[0].real eigenstate_2 = eigenstates[1].real # File does not exist except: raise IOError("EXT: cannot find file containing three-electron LDA orbitals.") # Read the two lowest HEG LDA eigenstates of the system elif(pm.ext.initial_gspsi == 'ldaheg'): try: eigenstates ='gs_ldaheg_eigf', pm) eigenstate_1 = eigenstates[0].real eigenstate_2 = eigenstates[1].real # File does not exist except: raise IOError("EXT: cannot find file containing HEG LDA orbitals.") # Read the two lowest non-interacting eigenstates of the system elif(pm.ext.initial_gspsi == 'non'): try: eigenstates ='gs_non_eigf', pm) eigenstate_1 = eigenstates[0].real eigenstate_2 = eigenstates[1].real # If the file does not exist, calculate the two lowest eigenstates except: eigenstate_1, eigenstate_2 = non_approx(pm) # Calculate the two lowest eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator elif(pm.ext.initial_gspsi == 'qho'): eigenstate_1 = qho_approx(pm, 0) eigenstate_2 = qho_approx(pm, 1) # Read an exact many-electron wavefunction from this directory elif(pm.ext.initial_gspsi == 'ext'): try: wavefunction_reduced ='gs_ext_psi', pm) # File does not exist except: raise IOError("EXT: cannot find file containting many-electron wavefunction.") # Read an exact many-electron wavefunction from a different directory else: try: pm2 = copy.deepcopy(pm) = pm.ext.initial_gspsi wavefunction_reduced ='gs_ext_psi', pm2) # File does not exist except: raise IOError("EXT: cannot find file containing many-electron wavefunction.") # Construct a Slater determinant from the single-electron eigenstates if a many-electron wavefunction has not been read nonzero_1 = np.count_nonzero(eigenstate_1) nonzero_2 = np.count_nonzero(eigenstate_2) if(nonzero_1 != 0 and nonzero_2 != 0): wavefunction_reduced = EXT_cython.wavefunction_two(pm, eigenstate_1, eigenstate_2) return wavefunction_reduced
[docs]def non_approx(pm): r"""Calculates the two lowest non-interacting eigenstates of the system. These can then be expressed in Slater determinant form as an approximation to the exact many-electron wavefunction. .. math:: \bigg(-\frac{1}{2} \frac{d^{2}}{dx^{2}} + V_{\mathrm{ext}}(x) \bigg) \phi_{j}(x) = \varepsilon_{j} \phi_{j}(x) parameters ---------- pm : object Parameters object returns array_like and array_like 1D array of the 1st non-interacting eigenstate, indexed as eigenstate_1[space_index]. 1D array of the 2nd non-interacting eigenstate, indexed as eigenstate_2[space_index]. """ # Construct the single-electron Hamiltonian K = NON.construct_K(pm) H = copy.copy(K) H[0,:] +=[:] # Solve the single-electron TISE eigenvalues, eigenfunctions = spla.eig_banded(H, lower=True, select='i', select_range=(0,1)) # Take the two lowest eigenstates eigenstate_1 = eigenfunctions[:,0] eigenstate_2 = eigenfunctions[:,1] return eigenstate_1, eigenstate_2
[docs]def qho_approx(pm, n): r"""Calculates the nth eigenstate of the quantum harmonic oscillator, and shifts to ensure it is neither an odd nor an even function (necessary for the Gram-Schmidt algorithm). .. math:: \bigg(-\frac{1}{2} \frac{d^{2}}{dx^{2}} + \frac{1}{2} \omega^{2} x^{2} \bigg) \phi_{n}(x) = \varepsilon_{n} \phi_{n}(x) \phi_{n}(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2^{n}n!}} \bigg(\frac{\omega}{\pi}\bigg)^{1/4} e^{-\frac{\omega x^{2}}{2}} H_{n}\bigg(\sqrt{\omega}x \bigg) parameters ---------- pm : object Parameters object n : integer Principle quantum number returns array_like 1D array of the nth eigenstate, indexed as eigenstate[space_index] """ # Single-electron eigenstate eigenstate = np.zeros(, dtype=np.float) # Constants factorial = spspec.factorial(n) omega = 30.0/(pm.sys.xmax**2) norm = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(omega/np.pi)/((2.0**n)*factorial)) # Assign elements for j in range( x = -pm.sys.xmax + j* eigenstate[j] = norm*(spspec.hermite(n)(np.sqrt(omega)*(x+1.0)))*np.exp(-0.5*omega*((x+1.0)**2)) return eigenstate
[docs]def calculate_energy(pm, wavefunction_reduced, wavefunction_reduced_old): r"""Calculates the energy of the system. .. math:: E = - \ln\bigg(\frac{|\Psi(x_{1},x_{2},\tau)|}{|\Psi(x_{1},x_{2},\tau - \delta \tau)|}\bigg) \frac{1}{\delta \tau} parameters ---------- pm : object Parameters object wavefunction_reduced : array_like 1D array of the reduced wavefunction at t, indexed as wavefunction_reduced[space_index_1_2] wavefunction_reduced_old : array_like 1D array of the reduced wavefunction at t-dt, indexed as wavefunction_reduced_old[space_index_1_2] returns float Energy of the system """ a = npla.norm(wavefunction_reduced_old) b = npla.norm(wavefunction_reduced) energy = -np.log(b/a)/pm.ext.ideltat return energy
[docs]def calculate_density(pm, wavefunction_2D): r"""Calculates the electron density from the two-electron wavefunction. .. math:: n(x) = 2 \int_{-x_{\mathrm{max}}}^{x_{\mathrm{max}}} |\Psi(x,x_{2})|^{2} dx_{2} parameters ---------- pm : object Parameters object wavefunction : array_like 2D array of the wavefunction, indexed as wavefunction_2D[space_index_1,space_index_2] returns array_like 1D array of the density, indexed as density[space_index] """ mod_wavefunction_2D = np.absolute(wavefunction_2D)**2 density = 2.0*np.sum(mod_wavefunction_2D, axis=1, dtype=np.float)* return density
[docs]def calculate_current_density(pm, density): r"""Calculates the current density from the time-dependent electron density by solving the continuity equation. .. math:: \frac{\partial n}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial j}{\partial x} = 0 parameters ---------- pm : object Parameters object density : array_like 2D array of the time-dependent density, indexed as density[time_index,space_index] returns array_like 2D array of the current density, indexed as current_density[time_index,space_index] """ pm.sprint('', 1) string = 'EXT: calculating current density' pm.sprint(string, 1) current_density = np.zeros((pm.sys.imax,, dtype=np.float) for i in range(1, pm.sys.imax): string = 'EXT: t = {:.5f}'.format(i*pm.sys.deltat) pm.sprint(string, 1, newline=False) J = np.zeros(, dtype=np.float) J = EXT_cython.continuity_eqn(pm, density[i,:], density[i-1,:]) current_density[i,:] = J[:] pm.sprint('', 1) return current_density
[docs]def solve_imaginary_time(pm, A_reduced, C_reduced, wavefunction_reduced, expansion_matrix): r"""Propagates the initial wavefunction through imaginary time using the Crank-Nicholson method to find the ground-state of the system. .. math:: &\Big(I + \frac{\delta \tau}{2}H\Big) \Psi(x_{1},x_{2},\tau+\delta \tau) = \Big(I - \frac{\delta \tau}{2}H\Big) \Psi(x_{1},x_{2},\tau) \\ &\Psi(x_{1},x_{2},\tau) = \sum_{m}c_{m}e^{-\varepsilon_{m} \tau}\phi_{m} \implies \lim_{\tau \to \infty} \Psi(x_{1},x_{2},\tau) = \phi_{0} parameters ---------- pm : object Parameters object A_reduced : sparse_matrix Reduced form of the sparse matrix A, used when solving the equation Ax=b C_reduced : sparse_matrix Reduced form of the sparse matrix C, defined as C=-A+2I wavefunction_reduced : array_like 1D array of the reduced wavefunction, indexed as wavefunction_reduced[space_index_1_2] expansion_matrix : sparse_matrix Sparse matrix used to expand the reduced wavefunction (insert indistinct elements) to get back the full wavefunction returns float and array_like Energy of the ground-state system. 1D array of the ground-state wavefunction, indexed as wavefunction[space_index_1_2]. """ # Copy the initial wavefunction wavefunction_reduced_old = np.copy(wavefunction_reduced) # Print to screen string = 'EXT: imaginary time propagation' pm.sprint(string, 1) # Perform iterations i = 1 while (i < pm.ext.iimax): # Begin timing the iteration start = time.time() string = 'imaginary time = {:.5f}'.format(i*pm.ext.ideltat) if(i % 1000 == 0): pm.sprint(string, 0) else: pm.sprint(string, 0, savelog=False) # Save the previous time step wavefunction_reduced_old[:] = wavefunction_reduced[:] # Construct the reduction vector of b b_reduced = C_reduced*wavefunction_reduced # Solve Ax=b wavefunction_reduced, info =, b_reduced, x0=wavefunction_reduced, tol=pm.ext.itol_solver) # Normalise the reduced wavefunction norm = npla.norm(wavefunction_reduced)* wavefunction_reduced /= norm # Stop timing the iteration finish = time.time() string = 'time to complete step: {:.5f}'.format(finish - start) if(i % 1000 == 0): pm.sprint(string, 0) else: pm.sprint(string, 0, savelog=False) # Calculate the convergence of the wavefunction wavefunction_convergence = npla.norm(wavefunction_reduced_old - wavefunction_reduced) string = 'wavefunction convergence: {}'.format(wavefunction_convergence) if(i % 1000 == 0): pm.sprint(string, 0) else: pm.sprint(string, 0, savelog=False) if( == 'default'): string = 'EXT: t = {:.5f}, convergence = {}'.format(i*pm.ext.ideltat, wavefunction_convergence) if(i % 1000 == 0): pm.sprint(string, 1, newline=False) else: pm.sprint(string, 1, newline=False, savelog=False) if(wavefunction_convergence < pm.ext.itol): i = pm.ext.iimax pm.sprint('', 1) string = 'EXT: ground-state converged' pm.sprint(string, 1) string = '------------------------------------------------------------------' if(i % 1000 == 0): pm.sprint(string, 0) else: pm.sprint(string, 0, savelog=False) # Iterate i += 1 # Calculate the energy wavefunction_reduced *= norm energy = calculate_energy(pm, wavefunction_reduced, wavefunction_reduced_old) string = 'EXT: ground-state energy = {:.5f}'.format(energy) pm.sprint(string, 1) # Expand the wavefunction and normalise wavefunction = expansion_matrix*wavefunction_reduced norm = npla.norm(wavefunction)* wavefunction /= norm return energy, wavefunction
[docs]def solve_real_time(pm, A_reduced, C_reduced, wavefunction, reduction_matrix, expansion_matrix): r"""Propagates the ground-state wavefunction through real time using the Crank-Nicholson method to find the time-evolution of the perturbed system. .. math:: \Big(I + i\frac{\delta t}{2}H\Big) \Psi(x_{1},x_{2},t+\delta t) = \Big(I - i\frac{\delta t}{2}H\Big) \Psi(x_{1},x_{2},t) parameters ---------- pm : object Parameters object A_reduced : sparse_matrix Reduced form of the sparse matrix A, used when solving the equation Ax=b C_reduced : sparse_matrix Reduced form of the sparse matrix C, defined as C=-A+2I wavefunction : array_like 1D array of the ground-state wavefunction, indexed as wavefunction[space_index_1_2] reduction_matrix : sparse_matrix Sparse matrix used to reduce the wavefunction (remove indistinct elements) by exploiting the exchange antisymmetry expansion_matrix : sparse_matrix Sparse matrix used to expand the reduced wavefunction (insert indistinct elements) to get back the full wavefunction returns array_like and array_like 2D array of the time-dependent density, indexed as density[time_index,space_index]. 2D array of the current density, indexed as current_density[time_index,space_index]. """ # Array initialisations density = np.zeros((pm.sys.imax,, dtype=np.float) # Save the ground-state wavefunction_2D = wavefunction.reshape(, density[0,:] = calculate_density(pm, wavefunction_2D) # Reduce the wavefunction wavefunction_reduced = reduction_matrix*wavefunction # Print to screen string = 'EXT: real time propagation' pm.sprint(string, 1) # Perform iterations for i in range(1, pm.sys.imax): # Begin timing the iteration start = time.time() string = 'real time = {:.5f}'.format(i*pm.sys.deltat) + '/' + '{:.5f}'.format((pm.sys.imax)*pm.sys.deltat) if(i % 100 == 0): pm.sprint(string, 0) else: pm.sprint(string, 0, savelog=False) # Construct the vector b and its reduction vector b_reduced = C_reduced*wavefunction_reduced # Solve Ax=b wavefunction_reduced, info =, b_reduced, x0=wavefunction_reduced, tol=pm.ext.rtol_solver) # Expand the wavefunction and normalise wavefunction = expansion_matrix*wavefunction_reduced norm = npla.norm(wavefunction)* if( == 0): wavefunction /= norm norm = npla.norm(wavefunction)* # Calculate the density wavefunction_2D = wavefunction.reshape(, density[i,:] = calculate_density(pm, wavefunction_2D) # Stop timing the iteration finish = time.time() string = 'time to complete step: {:.5f}'.format(finish - start) if(i % 100 == 0): pm.sprint(string, 0) else: pm.sprint(string, 0, savelog=False) # Print to screen if( == 'default'): string = 'EXT: ' + 't = {:.5f}'.format(i*pm.sys.deltat) if(i % 100 == 0): pm.sprint(string, 1, newline=False) else: pm.sprint(string, 1, newline=False, savelog=False) else: string_one = 'residual: {:.5f}'.format(npla.norm(A_reduced*wavefunction_reduced - b_reduced)) string_two = 'normalisation: {:.5f}'.format(norm) string_three = '--------------------------------------------------------------' if(i % 100 == 0): pm.sprint(string_one, 0) pm.sprint(string_two, 0) pm.sprint(string_three, 0) else: pm.sprint(string_one, 0, savelog=False) pm.sprint(string_two, 0, savelog=False) pm.sprint(string_three, 0, savelog=False) # Calculate the current density current_density = calculate_current_density(pm, density) return density, current_density
[docs]def main(parameters): r"""Calculates the ground-state of the system. If the system is perturbed, the time evolution of the perturbed system is then calculated. parameters ---------- parameters : object Parameters object returns object Results object """ # Array initialisations pm = parameters string = 'EXT: constructing arrays' pm.sprint(string, 1) pm.setup_space() # Construct the reduction and expansion matrices reduction_matrix, expansion_matrix = construct_antisymmetry_matrices(pm) # Construct the reduced form of the sparse matrices A and C A_reduced = construct_A_reduced(pm, reduction_matrix, expansion_matrix, 0) C_reduced = -A_reduced + 2.0*reduction_matrix*sps.identity(**2, dtype=np.float)*expansion_matrix # Generate the initial wavefunction wavefunction_reduced = initial_wavefunction(pm) # Propagate through imaginary time energy, wavefunction = solve_imaginary_time(pm, A_reduced, C_reduced, wavefunction_reduced, expansion_matrix) # Calculate the ground-state density wavefunction_2D = wavefunction.reshape(, density = calculate_density(pm, wavefunction_2D) # Save the quantities to file results = rs.Results() results.add(density,'gs_ext_den') results.add(energy,'gs_ext_E') results.add(,'gs_ext_vxt') if(pm.ext.psi_gs): wavefunction_reduced = reduction_matrix*wavefunction results.add(wavefunction_reduced,'gs_ext_psi') if( # Dispose of the reduced sparse matrices del A_reduced del C_reduced # Real time if( # Array initialisations string = 'EXT: constructing arrays' pm.sprint(string, 1) wavefunction = wavefunction.astype(np.cfloat) # Construct the reduced form of the sparse matrices A and C A_reduced = construct_A_reduced(pm, reduction_matrix, expansion_matrix, 1) C_reduced = -A_reduced + 2.0*reduction_matrix*sps.identity(**2, dtype=np.cfloat)*expansion_matrix # Propagate the ground-state wavefunction through real time density, current_density = solve_real_time(pm, A_reduced, C_reduced, wavefunction, reduction_matrix, expansion_matrix) # Dispose of the reduced sparse matrices del A_reduced del C_reduced # Save the quantities to file results.add(density,'td_ext_den') results.add(current_density,'td_ext_cur') results.add(,'td_ext_vxt') if( return results