Source code for iDEA.cli

"""Functions for the command line interface.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import shutil
import pickle
import numpy as np

[docs]def run_cli(fname=''): """Function to run iDEA using file in current working directory. """ from iDEA.input import Input from iDEA import parameters try: # read parameters file into Input object inp = Input.from_python_file(fname) except IOError as e: # if not present, set up empty one print(e) question = "Create new input file '{}' in current directory?".format(fname) answer = input(question + "[y/N]: ").lower().strip() if not(answer == "y" or answer == "yes"): sys.exit(1) else: pm_path = os.path.abspath(parameters.__file__) shutil.copyfile(pm_path, fname) inp = Input.from_python_file(fname) # perform checks on input parameters inp.check() # run job inp.execute()
[docs]def video_cli(): """ Produce plots, animations and data files from pickle files generated by iDEA """ import iDEA.plot # print splash print(' ') print(' * * * **** ***** **** ') print(' * * * * * * * ') print(' * * * * * * * * ') print(' * * * * * ***** * * ') print(' * * * * * * * * ') print(' * * * * * * * * ') print(' * * **** ***** **** ') print(' ') print(' +------------------------------------------------------------+') print(' | Visualise iDEA Outputs |') print(' | |') print(' | Created by Jack Wetherell |') print(' | The University of York |') print(' +------------------------------------------------------------+') print(' ') # import parameters file print('loading in parameters file...') pickle_file = "parameters.p" python_file = "" if os.path.isfile(pickle_file): f = open(pickle_file,'rb') pm = pickle.load(f) f.close() elif os.path.isfile(python_file): sys.path.insert(0,os.getcwd()) import parameters as pm else: raise IOError("Neither {} nor {} found.".format(pickle_file, python_file)) # gather file information from user file_names = str(input('enter file names to process (space seperated): ')).split(' ') td = bool(eval(input('is the data ground-state or time-dependent (gs=0,td=1): '))) # load the raw data in print('reading raw data:') data = [] for fn in file_names: print('reading {}...'.format(fn)) data.append(iDEA.plot.read_quantity(pm, fn)) # ensure data is all the same shape for i in range(0, len(data)): for j in range(0, len(data)): if data[i].shape != data[j].shape: raise IOError('all files must have same shapes of data') # get the dimentions of the data if td == False: dim = len(data[0].shape) else: dim = len(data[0].shape) - 1 # determine what the user wants to be processed save_data = bool(eval(input('save to data file (0=no,1=yes): '))) save_plot = bool(eval(input('save to pdf image (0=no,1=yes): '))) if td or dim==3: if save_data or save_plot: timestep = int(eval(input('timestep to save: '))) save_anim = bool(eval(input('save to mp4 video (0=no,1=yes): '))) if save_anim: step = int(eval(input('sample every n frames: n = '))) file_name = str(input('name of output file (leave blank for default): ')) if file_name == '': file_name = None # process data in specified way print('processing raw data:') if td or dim==3: if save_data: iDEA.plot.to_data(pm, file_names, data, td, dim, file_name=file_name, timestep=timestep) if save_plot: iDEA.plot.to_plot(pm, file_names, data, td, dim, file_name=file_name, timestep=timestep) if save_anim: iDEA.plot.to_anim(pm, file_names, data, td, dim, file_name=file_name, step=step) else: if save_data: iDEA.plot.to_data(pm, file_names, data, td, dim, file_name=file_name) if save_plot: iDEA.plot.to_plot(pm, file_names, data, td, dim, file_name=file_name) # finish print('all jobs done')
[docs]def optimize(): """Calculate optimal alpha for hybrid Hamiltonian. Return a tuple of three optimal values of alpha, corresponding to each condition: (LUMO-A, LUMO-HOMO, LUMO-I). If no alpha satisfies a condition, return None. """ # Load the raw data. filenames = ['alphas', 'enN', 'enNm', 'eigH', 'eigL'] data = {} print('Reading raw data:') for fn in filenames: print('gs_hyb_{}.db'.format(fn)) with open('raw/gs_hyb_{}.db'.format(fn), 'rb') as f: data[fn] = pickle.load(f) # Ensure all data has the same shape. for i in data.values(): for j in data.values(): if np.any(i != j) and i.shape != j.shape: raise IOError('all files must have same shape of data.') # Create arrays for which to find zero position. lumo_a = data['enN'] - data['enNm'] - data['eigL'] lumo_homo = data['eigH'] - data['eigL'] homo_i = data['enN'] - data['enNm'] - data['eigH'] # Calculate optimal alphas. optimals = [] for y_values in [lumo_a, lumo_homo, homo_i]: alphas = data['alphas'] diff = np.diff(y_values) # Reverse arrays if sorted in descending order. if np.all(diff < 0): alphas = alphas[::-1] y_values = y_values[::-1] elif not np.all(diff > 0): print('Unsorted array for condition. Returning None.') optimals.append(None) continue index_upper = np.searchsorted(y_values, 0) if 0 < index_upper < y_values.shape[0]: index_lower = index_upper - 1 y_upper = y_values[index_upper] y_lower = y_values[index_lower] y_frac = y_lower / (y_lower - y_upper) root = (1 - y_frac) * alphas[index_lower] + y_frac * alphas[index_upper] elif y_values[0] == 0: root = alphas[0] else: root = None optimals.append(root) if all(a is None for a in optimals): print("No optimal alpha found using any condition. Try increasing the input range of alpha.") return tuple(optimals)
[docs]def optimize_cli(): optimal_alphas = optimize() cond_names = ("LUMO-A", "LUMO-HOMO", "HOMO-I (GKT)") print('\nOptimal alpha values:') for index, item in enumerate(optimal_alphas): if item is not None: print("{:12}: {}".format(cond_names[index], item))
[docs]def examples_cli(): """Start jupyter notebook server in example directory. If this fails, print the path to the example directory. """ import pkg_resources example_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('iDEA', '../examples') exit_code = os.system('jupyter notebook {}'.format(example_dir)) if exit_code != 0: print("Find iDEA jupyter notebook examples in\n{}".format(example_dir))