Source code for iDEA.input

""" Stores input parameters for iDEA calculations.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

from six import string_types

import numpy as np
import importlib
import os
import sys
import copy
import time

from . import results as rs

[docs]class SpaceGrid(object): """Stores basic real space arrays These arrays should be helpful in many types of iDEA calculations. Storing them in the Input object avoids having to recompute them and reduces code duplication. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pm): self.npt = pm.sys.grid = pm.sys.deltax self.grid = np.linspace(-pm.sys.xmax, pm.sys.xmax, pm.sys.grid) self.v_ext = np.zeros(self.npt, dtype=np.float) for i in range(self.npt): self.v_ext[i] = pm.sys.v_ext(self.grid[i]) self.v_pert = np.zeros(self.npt, dtype=np.float) if( == 1): self.v_pert = self.v_pert.astype(np.cfloat) for i in range(self.npt): self.v_pert[i] = pm.sys.v_pert(self.grid[i]) self.v_int = np.zeros((pm.sys.grid,pm.sys.grid),dtype='float') for i in range(pm.sys.grid): for k in range(pm.sys.grid): self.v_int[i,k] = pm.sys.interaction_strength/(abs(self.grid[i]-self.grid[k])+pm.sys.acon) stencil_first_derivative = if stencil_first_derivative == 5: self.first_derivative = 1.0/12 * np.array([1,-8,0,8,-1], dtype=np.float) / self.first_derivative_indices = [-2,-1,0,1,2] self.first_derivative_band = 1.0/12 * np.array([0,-8,1], dtype=np.float) / elif stencil_first_derivative == 7: self.first_derivative = 1.0/60 * np.array([-1,9,-45,0,45,-9,1], dtype=np.float) / self.first_derivative_indices = [-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3] self.first_derivative_band = 1.0/60 * np.array([0,-45,9,-1], dtype=np.float) / else: raise ValueError("re.stencil = {} not implemented. Please select 5 or 7.".format(stencil_first_derivative)) stencil_second_derivative = pm.sys.stencil if stencil_second_derivative == 3: self.second_derivative = np.array([1,-2,1], dtype=np.float) /**2 self.second_derivative_indices = [-1,0,1] self.second_derivative_band = np.array([-2,1], dtype=np.float) /**2 elif stencil_second_derivative == 5: self.second_derivative = 1.0/12 * np.array([-1,16,-30,16,-1], dtype=np.float) /**2 self.second_derivative_indices = [-2,-1,0,1,2] self.second_derivative_band = 1.0/12 * np.array([-30,16,-1], dtype=np.float) /**2 elif stencil_second_derivative == 7: self.second_derivative = 1.0/180 * np.array([2,-27,270,-490,270,-27,2], dtype=np.float) /**2 self.second_derivative_indices = [-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3] self.second_derivative_band = 1.0/180 * np.array([-490,270,-27,2], dtype=np.float) /**2 else: raise ValueError("sys.stencil = {} not implemented. Please select 3, 5 or 7.".format(stencil_second_derivative))
[docs] def __str__(self): """Print variables of section and their values""" s = "" v = vars(self) for key,value in v.items(): s += input_string(key, value) return s
[docs]def input_string(key,value): """Prints a line of the input file""" if isinstance(value, string_types): s = "{} = '{}'\n".format(key, value) else: s = "{} = {}\n".format(key, value) return s
[docs]class InputSection(object): """Generic section of input file"""
[docs] def __str__(self): """Print variables of section and their values""" s = "" v = vars(self) for key,value in v.items(): s += input_string(key, value) return s
[docs]class SystemSection(InputSection): """System section of input file Includes some derived quantities. """ @property def deltax(self): """Spacing of real space grid""" return 2.0*self.xmax/(self.grid-1) @property def deltat(self): """Spacing of temporal grid""" return 1.0*self.tmax/(self.imax-1) @property def grid_points(self): """Real space grid""" return np.linspace(-self.xmax,self.xmax,self.grid)
[docs]class Input(object): """Stores variables of input parameters file Includes automatic generation of dependent variables, checking of input parameters, printing back to file and more. """ priority_dict = { 'low': 2, 'default': 1, 'high': 0}
[docs] def __init__(self): """Sets default values of some properties.""" self.filename = '' self.log = '' self.last_print = time.process_time() ### Run parameters = InputSection() run = = 'run_name' #: Name to identify run. Note: Do not use spaces or any special characters (.~[]{}<>?/\) run.time_dependence = False #: Run time-dependent calculation run.verbosity = 'default' #: Output verbosity ('low', 'default', 'high') = True #: Save results to disk when they are generated run.module = 'iDEA' #: Specify alternative folder (in this directory) containing modified iDEA module run.NON = False #: Run Non-Interacting approximation run.LDA = False #: Run LDA approximation run.HF = False #: Run Hartree-Fock approximation run.HYB = False #: Run Hybrid (HF-LDA) calculation run.EXT = False #: Run Exact Many-Body calculation ### System parameters self.sys = SystemSection() sys = self.sys sys.NE = 2 #: Number of electrons sys.grid = 201 #: Number of grid points (must be odd) sys.stencil = 3 #: Discretisation of 2nd derivative (3 or 5 or 7). sys.xmax = 10.0 #: Size of the system sys.tmax = 1.0 #: Total real time sys.imax = 1001 #: Number of real time iterations (NB: deltat = tmax/(imax-1)) sys.acon = 1.0 #: Smoothing of the Coloumb interaction sys.interaction_strength = 1.0 #: Scales the strength of the Coulomb interaction = 0 #: Are there imaginary terms in the perturbing potential? (0: no, 1: yes) def v_ext(x): """Ground-state external potential """ return 0.5*(0.25**2)*(x**2) sys.v_ext = v_ext def v_pert(x): """Perturbing potential (switched on at t=0) """ return -0.01*x sys.v_pert = v_pert ### Exact parameters self.ext = InputSection() ext = self.ext ext.itol = 1e-12 #: Tolerance of imaginary time propagation (Recommended: 1e-12) ext.itol_solver = 1e-14 #: Tolerance of linear solver in imaginary time propagation (Recommended: 1e-14) ext.rtol_solver = 1e-12 #: Tolerance of linear solver in real time propagation (Recommended: 1e-12) ext.itmax = 2000.0 #: Total imaginary time ext.iimax = 1e5 #: Imaginary time iterations ext.ideltat = ext.itmax/ext.iimax #: Imaginary time step (DERIVED) ext.RE = False #: Reverse engineer many-body density ext.psi_gs = False #: Save the reduced ground-state wavefunction to file ext.initial_gspsi = 'qho' #: Initial ground-state wavefunction ('qho' by default. 'non' can be selected. #: 'hf', 'lda1', 'lda2', 'lda3', 'ldaheg' or 'ext' can be selected if the orbitals/wavefunction #: are available. An ext wavefunction from another run can be used, but specify the #: instead e.g. 'run_name'). #: WARNING: If no reliable starting guess can be provided e.g. wrong number of electrons per well, #: then choose 'qho' - this will ensure stable convergence to the true ground-state.) ### Non-interacting approximation parameters self.non = InputSection() non = self.non non.rtol_solver = 1e-13 #: Tolerance of linear solver in real time propagation (Recommended: 1e-13) non.RE = False #: Reverse-engineer non-interacting density ### LDA parameters self.lda = InputSection() lda = self.lda lda.NE = 'heg' #: Number of electrons used in construction of the LDA (1, 2, 3 or 'heg') lda.scf_type = 'pulay' #: How to perform scf ('pulay', 'linear', 'cg', 'mixh', 'none') lda.mix = 0.2 #: Mixing parameter for linear & Pulay mixing (float in [0,1]) lda.pulay_order = 20 #: Length of history for Pulay mixing (max: lda.max_iter) lda.pulay_preconditioner = None #: Preconditioner for pulay mixing (None, 'kerker', rpa') lda.kerker_length = 0.5 #: Length over which density fluctuations are screened (Kerker only) lda.tol = 1e-12 #: Convergence tolerance in the density lda.etol = 1e-12 #: Convergence tolerance in the energy lda.max_iter = 10000 #: Maximum number of self-consistency iterations lda.RE = False #: Reverse-engineer LDA density ### HF parameters self.hf = InputSection() hf = self.hf hf.fock = 1 #: Include Fock term (0 = Hartree approximation, 1 = Hartree-Fock approximation) hf.con = 1e-12 #: Tolerance = 0.9 #: Mixing term hf.RE = False #: Reverse-engineer hf density ### HYB parameters self.hyb = InputSection() hyb = self.hyb hyb.seperate = False #: Seperate Vx and Vc in the hybrid (False: a*F + (1-a)Vxc, True: a*F + (1-a)Vx + Vc) hyb.functionality = 'o' #: Functionality of hybrid functionals: 'o' for optimal alpha, 'f' for fractional numbers of electrons, #: 'a' for single alpha run hyb.of_array = (0.5,1.0,6) #: If finding optimal alpa, this defines an array going from a->b in c steps whose energies are used for #: optimisation. If fractional run, this defines the numbers of electrons to calculate hyb.alpha = 1.0 #: If single alpha run, this defines the alpha hyb.mix = 0.5 #: Mixing parameter for linear mixing (float in [0,1]) hyb.tol = 1e-12 #: Convergence tolerance in the density hyb.max_iter = 10000 #: Maximum number of self-consistency iterations hyb.RE = False #: Calculate the external potential for the HYB density ### RE parameters = InputSection() re = re.stencil = 5 #: Discretisation of 1st derivative (5 or 7) = 1.0 #: 1st convergence parameter in the ground-state reverse-engineering algorithm re.p = 0.05 #: 2nd convergence parameter in the ground-state reverse-engineering algorithm re.gs_density_tolerance = 1e-12 #: Tolerance of the error in the ground-state density re.starting_guess = 'extre' #: Starting guess of groud-state Vks (if not available will start with Vxt) = 1.0 #: 1st convergence parameter in the time-dependent reverse-engineering algorithm re.a = 1.0e-6 #: 2nd convergence parameter in the time-dependent reverse-engineering algorithm re.rtol_solver = 1e-12 #: Tolerance of linear solver in real time propagation (Recommended: 1e-12) re.td_density_tolerance = 1e-7 #: Tolerance of the error in the time-dependent density re.cdensity_tolerance = 1e-7 #: Tolerance of the error in the current density re.max_iterations = 20 #: Maximum number of iterations per time step to find the Kohn-Sham potential re.damping = True #: Damping term used to filter out the noise in the time-dependent Kohn-Sham vector potential re.filter_beta = 1.8 #: 1st parameter in the damping term
[docs] def check(self): """Checks validity of input parameters.""" pm = self if != 'iDEA': raise ValueError("run.module must be set to 'iDEA' (dynamic loading of modules disabled in PYPI version)") # Time-dependence if == True: if == True: self.sprint('HYB: Warning - time-dependence not implemented!') if (pm.ext.RE or pm.non.RE or pm.lda.RE or pm.hf.RE or pm.hyb.RE): self.sprint('RE: Warning - time-dependence not implemented!') # EXT if == True: if pm.ext.itol > 1e-6: self.sprint('EXT: Warning - value of ext.itol is much larger than 1e-13, this can yeild poor KS potentials') # LDA if == True: if pm.lda.scf_type not in [None, 'pulay', 'linear', 'cg', 'mixh']: raise ValueError("LDA: Warning - lda.scf_type must be None, 'linear', 'pulay' or 'cg'") if pm.lda.pulay_preconditioner not in [None, 'kerker', 'rpa']: raise ValueError("LDA: Warning - lda.pulay_preconditioner must be None, 'kerker' or 'rpa'") # HF if == True: if (pm.hf.fock != 1 and pm.hf.fock != 0): raise ValueError('HF: Error - hf.fock must be set to 0 or 1.') if ( > 1 or < 0): self.sprint('HF: Warning - Value of nu should be between 0 and 1') # HYB if == True: if (pm.hyb.alpha > 1 or pm.hyb.alpha < 0): self.sprint('HYB: Warning - Value of alpha should be between 0 and 1') if (pm.hyb.mix > 1 or pm.hyb.mix < 0): self.sprint('HYB: Warning - Value of mix should be between 0 and 1')
[docs] def __str__(self): """Prints different sections in input file""" s = "" v = vars(self) for key, value in v.items(): if isinstance(value, InputSection): s += "### {} section\n".format(key) s += "{}\n".format(value) else: s += input_string(key,value) return s
[docs] def sprint(self, string='', priority=1, newline=True, refresh=0.000005, savelog=True): """Customized print function Prints to screen and appends to log. If newline == False, overwrites last line, but refreshes only every refresh seconds. parameters ---------- string : string string to be printed priority: int priority of message, possible values are 0: debug 1: normal 2: important newline : bool If False, overwrite the last line refresh : float If newline == False, print only every "refresh" seconds savelog : bool If True, save string to log file """ verbosity = if(savelog): self.log += string + '\n' if priority >= self.priority_dict[verbosity]: timestamp = time.process_time() if newline: print(string) self.last_print = timestamp # When overwriting lines, we only print every "refresh" seconds elif timestamp - self.last_print > refresh: ## this only overwrites, no erase #print('\r' + string, end='') # Overwrite line sys.stdout.write('\r' + string) # Delete rest of line starting from cursor position (in case # previous line was longer). See # sys.stdout.write(chr(27) + '[K') sys.stdout.flush() self.last_print = timestamp else: pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_python_file(cls,filename): """Create Input from Python script.""" tmp = Input() tmp.read_from_python_file(filename) return tmp
[docs] def read_from_python_file(self,filename): """Update Input from Python script.""" if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError("Could not find input file '{}'".format(filename)) module, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext != ".py": raise IOError("Input file '{}' does not have .py extension.".format(filename)) # import module into object pm = importlib.import_module(module) # Replace default member variables with those from parameters file. # The following recursive approach is adapted from # See def update(d, u, l=1): for k, v in u.items(): # We need to step into InputSection objects, as those may have varying # numbers of parameters defined. if isinstance(v, InputSection): r = update(d.get(k, {}).__dict__, v.__dict__, l+1) d[k].__dict__ = r #d[k] = r # We only want to copy contents of the input sections # No need to copy any of the builtin attributes added elif l > 1: d[k] = u[k] return d self.__dict__ = update(self.__dict__, pm.__dict__) self.filename = filename
########################################## ####### Here add derived parameters #### ########################################## @property def output_dir(self): """Returns full path to output directory """ return 'outputs/{}'.format( ########################################## ####### Running the input file #### ##########################################
[docs] def make_dirs(self): """Set up ouput directory structure""" import os import shutil import errno pm = self def mkdir_p(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise output_dirs = ['data', 'raw', 'plots', 'animations'] for d in output_dirs: path = '{}/{}'.format(pm.output_dir,d) mkdir_p(path) setattr(pm,d,path) # Copy parameters file to output folder, if there is one if os.path.isfile(pm.filename): shutil.copy2(pm.filename,pm.output_dir) # Copy ViDEO file to output folder vfile = 'scripts/' if os.path.isfile(vfile): # Note: this doesn't work, when using iDEA as a system module shutil.copy2('scripts/',pm.output_dir) else: pass
# No longer needed as is in scrips directory and can be added to PATH #s = "Warning: Unable to copy since running iDEA as python module." #s += " Simply add the scripts folder to your PATH variable to use anywhere" #pm.sprint(s,1)
[docs] def setup_space(self): """Prepares for performing calculations precomputes quantities on grids, etc. """ = SpaceGrid(self)
[docs] def execute(self): """Run this job""" pm = self pm.check() pm.setup_space() if pm.make_dirs() self.results = rs.Results() # Draw splash to screen from . import splash splash.draw(pm) pm.sprint('run name: {}'.format(,1) results = pm.results # Execute required jobs if( == True): from . import NON results.add(NON.main(pm), name='non') if(pm.non.RE == True): from . import RE results.add(RE.main(pm,'non'), name='nonre') if( == True): from . import LDA results.add(LDA.main(pm), name='lda') if( == True): from . import HF results.add(HF.main(pm), name='hf') if(pm.hf.RE == True): from . import RE results.add(RE.main(pm,'hf'), name='hfre') if(pm.sys.NE == 1): if( == True): from . import EXT1 results.add(EXT1.main(pm), name='ext') if(pm.ext.RE == True): from . import RE results.add(RE.main(pm,'ext'), name='extre') elif(pm.sys.NE == 2): if( == True): from . import EXT2 results.add(EXT2.main(pm), name='ext') if(pm.ext.RE == True): from . import RE results.add(RE.main(pm,'ext'), name='extre') elif(pm.sys.NE == 3): if( == True): from . import EXT3 results.add(EXT3.main(pm), name='ext') if(pm.ext.RE == True): from . import RE results.add(RE.main(pm,'ext'), name='extre') elif(pm.sys.NE >= 4): if( == True): print('EXT: cannot run exact with more than 3 electrons') if( == True): from . import HYB results.add(HYB.main(pm), name='hyb') if(pm.hyb.RE == True): from . import RE results.add(RE.main(pm,'hyb{}'.format(pm.hyb.alpha).replace('.','_')), name='hybre') # All jobs done if # store log in file f = open(pm.output_dir + '/iDEA.log', 'w') f.write(pm.log) f.close() # need to get rid of nested functions as they can't be pickled tmp = copy.deepcopy(pm) del tmp.sys.v_ext del tmp.sys.v_pert # store pickled version of parameters object import pickle f = open(pm.output_dir + '/parameters.p', 'wb') pickle.dump(tmp, f, protocol=4) f.close() del tmp results.log = pm.log pm.log = '' # avoid appending, when pm is run again string = 'all jobs done \n' pm.sprint(string,1) return results