Source code for iDEA.results

"""Bundles and saves iDEA results

import numpy as np
import pickle
import copy as cp

[docs]class Results(object): """Container for results. A convenient container for storing, reading and saving the results of a calculation. Usage:: res = Results() res.add(my_result, 'my_name') res.my_name # now contains my_result # saves to disk + keeps track res.add(my_result2, 'my_name2') # saves only my_result2 to disk """ calc_dict = { 'td': 'time-dependent', 'gs': 'ground state', } method_dict = { 'non': 'non-interacting', 'ext': 'exact', 'hf': 'Hartree-Fock', 'lda': 'LDA', } quantity_dict = { 'den': r'$\rho$', 'cur': r'$j$', 'eigf': r'$\psi_j$', 'eigv': r'$\varepsilon_j$', 'vxt': r'$V_{ext}$', 'vh': r'$V_{H}$', 'vxc': r'$V_{xc}$', 'vks': r'$V_{KS}$', 'tden' : r'$\rho$', 'W' : r'$W$', 'S' : r'$\Sigma$', 'Sc' : r'$\Sigma_{c}$', 'Sx' : r'$\Sigma_{x}$', 'Sxc' : r'$\Sigma_{xc}$', }
[docs] def __init__(self): self._saved = set() # list of results already saved to disk
@property def _not_saved(self): """Returns list of results not yet saved to disk.""" results_names = [ r for r in self.__dict__.keys() if not r.startswith('_') ] return [r for r in results_names if r not in self._saved]
[docs] @staticmethod def label(shortname): r""" returns full label for shortname of result. Expand shortname used for quantities saved by iDEA. E.g. 'gs_non_den' => 'ground state $\rho$ (non-interacting)' """ c, m, q = shortname.split('_') s = r"{} {} ({})".format(Results.calc_dict[c], Results.quantity_dict[q], Results.method_dict[m]) return s
[docs] def add(self, results, name): """Add results to the container. Note: Existing results are overwritten. """ # if results of same name was saved already, # ask to save again if hasattr(self, name) and name in self._saved: self._saved.remove(name) # if name exists and we are adding another Results instance, # copy its attributes if hasattr(self, name) and isinstance(results, Results): getattr(self, name).__dict__.update(results.__dict__) # else, we simply deepcopy the results else: setattr(self, name, cp.deepcopy(results))
[docs] @staticmethod def read(name, pm, dir=None): """Reads and returns results from pickle file parameters ---------- name : string name of result to be read (filepath = raw/name.db) pm : object iDEA.input.Input object dir : string directory where result is stored default: pm.output_dir + '/raw' Returns data """ if dir is None: dir = pm.output_dir + '/raw' filename = "{}/{}.db".format(dir,name) pm.sprint("Reading {} from {}".format(name,filename),0) #pm.sprint("Reading {} from {}".format(Results.label(name),filename),0) f = open(filename, 'rb') data = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') f.close() return data
[docs] def add_pickled_data(self, name, pm, dir=None): """Read results from pickle file and adds to results. parameters ---------- name : string name of results to be read (filepath = raw/name.db) pm : object iDEA.input.Input object dir : string directory where result is stored default: pm.output_dir + '/raw' """ data =, pm, dir) self.add(data, name)
[docs] def save(self, pm, dir=None, list=None): """Save results to disk. Note: Saves only results that haven't been saved before. parameters ---------- pm : object iDEA.input.Input object dir : string directory where to save results default: pm.output_dir + '/raw' verbosity : string additional info will be printed for verbosity 'high' list : array_like if given, saves listed results if not set, saves results that haven't been saved before """ if dir is None: dir = pm.output_dir + '/raw' if list: to_save = list else: to_save = self._not_saved for key,val in self.__dict__.items(): if key in to_save: if isinstance(val,Results):, dir) else: outname = "{}/{}.db".format(dir,key) pm.sprint("Saving {} to {}".format(key,outname),0) f = open(outname, 'wb') pickle.dump(val,f,protocol=4) # protocol=4 for large files (<4GB) f.close() #np.savetxt(outname, val) if key not in self._saved: self._saved.add(key)
[docs] def save_hdf5(self, pm, dir=None, list=None, f=None): """Save results to HDF5 database. This requires the h5py python package. parameters ---------- pm : object iDEA.input.Input object dir : string directory where to save results default: pm.output_dir + '/raw' verbosity : string additional info will be printed for verbosity 'high' list : array_like if set, only the listed results will be saved f : HDF5 handle handle of HDF5 file (or group) to write to """ try: import h5py except ImportError: raise ImportError("Need hd5py package for saving results in HDF5 format.") if dir is None: dir = pm.output_dir + '/raw' outname = "{}/store.hdf5".format(dir) openfile = False if f is None: f = h5py.File(outname, "a") openfile = True for key,val in self.__dict__.items(): if list is None or key in list: if isinstance(val, Results): try: grp = f.create_group(key) except ValueError: grp = f[key] val.save_hdf5(pm, dir, f=grp) #elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray): # f.create_dataset(key, data=val) else: if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): compression = 'lzf' else: compression = None if key not in list(f.keys()): pm.sprint("Saving {} to {}".format(key,outname),0) f.create_dataset(key, data=val, compression=compression) else: # Note: deleting data in hdf5 is not guaranteed to # free the corresponding disk space pm.sprint("Overwriting {} in {}. This can waste disk space.".format(key,outname),0) del f[key] f.create_dataset(key, data=val, compression=compression) if openfile: f.close()