Source code for iDEA.test_mix

"""Tests for mixing schemes
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
import numpy.testing as nt
import unittest

from . import input
from . import mix
from . import NON

[docs]class TestPulay(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the Pulay mixer """
[docs] def setUp(self): """ Sets up harmonic oscillator system """ pm = input.Input() = 'unittest' = False = 'low' # It might still be possible to speed this up pm.sys.NE = 2 #: Number of electrons pm.sys.grid = 61 #: Number of grid points (must be odd) pm.sys.xmax = 7.5 #: Size of the system pm.sys.acon = 1.0 #: Smoothing of the Coloumb interaction pm.sys.interaction_strength = 1#: Scales the strength of the Coulomb interaction def v_ext(x): """Initial external potential""" return 0.5*(0.25**2)*(x**2) pm.sys.v_ext = v_ext pm.ext.ctol = 1e-5 = pm
[docs] def test_array_update_1(self): """Testing internal variables of Pulay mixer Just checking that the maths works as expected from [Kresse1996]_ p.34 ... """ pm = pm.lda.kerker_length = 100 order = 4 mixer = mix.PulayMixer(pm, order=order, preconditioner=None) x = np.linspace(-pm.sys.xmax, pm.sys.xmax, pm.sys.grid) den_in = 1 + 0.1*np.sin(x) den_out = 1 - 0.1*np.sin(x) den_in_new = mixer.mix(den_in, den_out) nt.assert_allclose(mixer.den_in[0], den_in) #nt.assert_allclose(mixer.den_delta[0], den_in-0) nt.assert_allclose(mixer.res[0], -0.2*np.sin(x))
#nt.assert_allclose(mixer.res_delta[0], -0.2*np.sin(x)-0) #overlaps = 0.04*,np.sin(x)) #A_bar = overlaps #A_bar_inv = 1/overlaps #alpha_bar = - A_bar_inv * overlaps #nt.assert_allclose(alpha_bar, -1)
[docs]class TestKerker(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the Kerker preconditioner """
[docs] def setUp(self): """ Sets up harmonic oscillator system """ pm = input.Input() = 'unittest' = False = 'low' # It might still be possible to speed this up pm.sys.NE = 2 #: Number of electrons pm.sys.grid = 61 #: Number of grid points (must be odd) pm.sys.xmax = 7.5 #: Size of the system pm.sys.acon = 1.0 #: Smoothing of the Coloumb interaction pm.sys.interaction_strength = 1#: Scales the strength of the Coulomb interaction def v_ext(x): """Initial external potential""" return 0.5*(0.25**2)*(x**2) pm.sys.v_ext = v_ext pm.ext.ctol = 1e-5 pm.setup_space() = pm
[docs] def test_screening_length_1(self): """Testing screening length in Kerker Check that for infinite screening length, simple mixing is recovered. [Kresse1996]_ p.34 ... """ pm = pm.lda.kerker_length = 1e6 pm.lda.mix = 1.0 mixer = mix.PulayMixer(pm, order=20, preconditioner='kerker') den = NON.main(pm).gs_non_den # Note: Kerker always removes G=0 cmponent # (it is intended to be used on density *differences*, where the G=0 # component vanishes anyhow) den -= np.average(den) den_cond = mixer.precondition(den, None, None) nt.assert_allclose(den, den_cond, 1e-3)
[docs]class TestRPA(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the RPA preconditioner """
[docs] def setUp(self): """ Sets up harmonic oscillator system """ pm = input.Input() = 'unittest' = False = 'low' # It might still be possible to speed this up pm.sys.NE = 2 #: Number of electrons pm.sys.grid = 61 #: Number of grid points (must be odd) pm.sys.xmax = 7.5 #: Size of the system pm.sys.acon = 1.0 #: Smoothing of the Coloumb interaction pm.sys.interaction_strength = 1#: Scales the strength of the Coulomb interaction def v_ext(x): """Initial external potential""" return 0.5*(0.25**2)*(x**2) pm.sys.v_ext = v_ext pm.lda.mix = 1.0 = pm
[docs] def test_chi_1(self): """Testing potential-density response Testing some basic symmetry properties of the potential-density response and the preconditioning matrices required for density/potential mixing. """ pm = mixer = mix.PulayMixer(pm, order=1, preconditioner='rpa') results = NON.main(pm) den = results.gs_non_den eigv = results.gs_non_eigv eigf = results.gs_non_eigf chi = mixer.preconditioner.chi(eigv, eigf) v = mixer.preconditioner.coulomb_repulsion dx = mixer.preconditioner.x_delta nx = mixer.preconditioner.x_npt nt.assert_allclose(chi, chi.T, 1e-6) nt.assert_allclose(v, v.T, 1e-6) # this is just for testing purposes eps_pmix = np.eye(nx)/dx -,chi)*dx eps_dmix = np.eye(nx)/dx -,v)*dx nt.assert_allclose(eps_pmix, eps_dmix.T, 1e-6)