.. _practises: Coding practises ================ If you'd like to contribute your changes back to iDEA, please follow good coding practises. Write unit tests ---------------- For any new feature you add, make sure to add a **unit test** that checks you feature is working as intended. * Naming convention: :code:`test_.py` * start by copying a simple example, e.g. :code:`test_NON.py` * make sure your test is quick, it should run *in the blink of an eye* Checklist --------- Before making a pull request, go through the following checklist: 1. Check that you didn't break the existing unit tests: .. code-block:: bash # run this in the base directory python -m unittest discover 2. Check that the documentation builds fine: .. code-block:: bash cd doc/ bash make_doc.sh 3. Check the test coverage for your module (should be close to 100%): .. code-block:: bash firefox doc/_build/coverage/index.html