Getting iDEA

Installation requirements

  • Python 3.3 or later
  • pip 10.0 or later
  • (optional) pandoc for compiling the documentation

Installing iDEA

The simplest way to install iDEA is to install the latest stable version directly from PYPI:

pip install --user idea-code

If you are planning to modify iDEA, get the latest version from the git repository:

# Clone from the central repository
git clone idea-public

# Install & compile iDEA for your unix user
# (including packages for generating the documentation)
cd idea-public
pip install --user -e .[doc] --no-build-isolation

# Run example calculation

Updating iDEA

# Pull all changes from central git repository
git pull origin master

# Remove the compiled cython modules
python clean --all

# Recompile the cython modules
python build_ext --inplace

Generating the documentation

A recent version of the documentation can be found on the iDEA web page. If you are making changes to the code and/or the documentation, you may need to generate the documentation by yourself:

cd doc
# find html documentation in _build/html/index.html
# find test coverage report in _build/coverage/index.html

Besides HTML, the iDEA documentation can also be compiled as a pdf. If you have a LaTeX distribution installed on your system, simply do:

cd doc
make latexpdf